Booking form

Booking form

  • Personal data

  • Passport

  • Address data

  • Contact at home, in case of emergency

  • I would like to book the following voyage on the 'Oosterschelde'

  • Medical details

  • Shipping company ‘Oosterschelde’ provides optimal safety for the entire (guest)crew. As guest-crewmember it is important that you will take responsibility regarding your own safety and the safety of others. If your physical or mental health is insufficient, you might be at risk during a sailing trip. In case of doubt whether your health hinders a voyage on a sailing and moving ship or not, we advise you to contact your physician first.

  • Do you have a medical condition, allergies, use medication and/or have a special diet of which the shipping company should be notified? For example: diabetes, heart or vascular disease, epilepsy or the usage of blood thinners.

  • Declarations *

  • - I declare to have travel insurance that covers this voyage.
    - I declare to have cancellation insurance that covers this voyage.
    - I declare to have valid health insurance provided in my home country.
    - Yes, I have read the standard information form package travel.
    - Yes, I have read the general conditions and agree.
    - Yes, I do give permission as described in the privacy statement.

  • Newsletter *